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ICT Advisory Board

The FRZ Flughafenregion Zürich has established an ICT Advisory Board (Information, Communication, Technology) with the relevant players in the ICT sector.

This initiative focuses on accelerating digitalization and optimizing innovation management.

It is aligned with the objectives of the existing location development concept of the FRZ Flughafenregion Zürich with the following three strategic thrusts:

  1. Location marketing: making qualities known
  2. Platform: Promoting dialog
  3. Innovation: utilizing potential.

The advisory board has identified four main measures and fields of action to support the positioning of the airport region as a leading ICT hub: Combining sustainability and ICT, increasing the visibility of regional expertise, community building and best practices to combat skills shortages.

An important component of the strategy is the "Sustainability Navigator", which integrates economic, environmental and social sustainability aspects. A particular focus is on the circular economy in order to extend the service life of ICT components and provide members with sustainability reports.

The advisory board is made up of the following experts:

from top left to right: Thomas Kreser, Markus Holzner, Dejan Dodic, Kurt Hottiger, Daniele Kohler, Stefan Cicigoi, Ylenia Vazquez Fernandez, Karla Maria Zinreich, Mike Carstensen, Roger Altorfer, Stefan Nünlist / sitting: Yves Zischek, Mario Facchinetti, Anita Martinecz Fehér

Participants from the office of the FRZ Zurich Airport Region, Business Network & Location Development:

We are happy to receive ideas and feedback: