Real Estate Advisory Board

The FRZ Flughafenregion Zürich has a Real Estate Advisory Board. The Advisory Board supports the FRZ Office, particularly in the preparation of the annual Real Estate Summit.

The Real Estate Summit is a key event in the FRZ calendar that deals with current topics and trends in the real estate industry. The advisory board is made up of experts from various specialist areas and decision-makers from relevant sectors, bringing a variety of perspectives and expertise to the event planning.

The following experts are represented on the advisory board:

from left to right: Roland Weber (until end of June 2024), Mario Facchinetti, Jan Schibli, Ivo Lenherr, Beat Aeschimann, Romeo Deplazes. Not in the picture: Sandra Wetzel (successor of Roland Weber).

Participants from the office of the FRZ Zurich Airport Region, Business Network & Location Development:

We are happy to receive ideas and feedback: